This is the hardest part, finding time to practice. It is hard to dedicate time to yourself.
I love to play the piano but many times I get distracted by other things that need to be done.
“I’ll just fold the washing, or unpack the dishwasher, make a cup of tea or do the groceries.”
Even younger ones have the same problem.
“I’ll just finish this game, I’ll do it after tea, I’ve been at school all day…”
So how do you find time to practice?
One way is to schedule it with things you do regularly every day. Like cleaning your teeth, or making your bed, or eating dinner. It needs to become routine.
What if you don’t feel like it? Simply tell yourself “Just sit at the piano for 5 minutes”
If you can get there, sometimes that is all you need.
Play your favourite song and then work your way through some of your playlist.
Each day will become easier.
Little ones are the same. Sit with them, listen to them, play with them, encourage them and spend some special time together.
This week make a schedule that works for you, a space in each day when you can spend some time enjoying the piano and practicing what you love.